by Colin Velez
It's spooky season!  It's time for cozy sweaters and knit hats.  However, you may be surprised to find out there are still plenty of uses for your summer wardrobe in the fall months.  Despite the cold, activities involving hot drinks and bathing suits abound in October.  If you're looking to eke out a bit more use of your swimwear you can rejoice, because Icon Swim is bringing you the ultimate fall swimwear list.  Enjoy being cozy while you try out the following hallmarks of autumn festivities!

Campfire Fun

Telling creepy stories around a campfire is a classic fall activity.  This year, try telling your creepypastas and ghost tales at the beach!  The waves add a fantastic atmosphere, and the fire will keep you warm in your bathing suits.  While you should always practice fire safety, sand is much more fire proof than brush, which keeps the environment safer.  Be sure to bring some marshmallows!

Hot Tubs for the Win

Maybe we're weird, but cold weather makes staying warm even more cozy.  Submerge yourself in a hot tub and enjoy some warm drinks as you seek refuge from the chills.  Many hotels and spas offer discounts towards the end of the year, so check out your local businesses!

Costumes and Cosplay


Creativity abounds in the fall, as people take the extra holiday time to focus on hobbies and crafts.  Make use of your summer wardrobe for themed parties and cosplay competitions.  If you're looking to add some shine to your summer themed attire, you can get some use out of our shimmer creams!  Coming in bronze, champagne and pearl, you'll be able to find the perfect glow for your skin color. Our creams also moisturize and provide SPF 15, meaning your skin will appreciate it.  You can find all the colors here.

Enjoy spooky month; whatever your plans are, the last two years have been extra long and difficult.  You deserve to enjoy your holidays!  As always, stay safe and have fun.  We hope you have a happy October!

October 25, 2021 — social media

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